Introduction to Theology
About the course
The links to "Course Reading and Resources", forum and pages for each session are password-protected. Those who register will be sent a password to access these pages.

"Theological reflection is called to a turning point, to a paradigm shift, to a 'courageous cultural revolution' that commits it, first and foremost, to being a fundamentally contextual theology, capable of reading and interpreting the Gospel in the conditions in which men and women live daily, in different geographical, social, and cultural environments, and having as an archetype the Incarnation of the eternal Logos, its entry into culture, into the worldview, and the religious tradition of a people." (Pope Francis, Ad Theologiam Promovendam)
In the eleventh century, Saint Anselm famously described theology as “faith seeking understanding”. This course is an exercise in faith seeking understanding. It is intended to enrich and deepen the life of faith through an introductory study of the main doctrines, debates and interpretative frameworks of theology and scripture in the modern Catholic tradition. It has been designed to encourage a prayerful and participatory engagement with theological and scriptural ideas, exploring their relevance in the context of different cultures, vocations and lifestyles.
We read the Catholic tradition as a shared story of faith and ask how this becomes incarnate in our communities and societies through the faithful practices of everyday life. This method of study is sometimes described as "narrative theology".
We consider the core doctrines, teachings and debates in the Catholic theological tradition, and we explore their relevance for sub-Saharan communities and cultures.
Topics to be studied include doctrine and devotion, contextual approaches to the study of theology (inculturation, liberation, feminism and gender), biblical interpretation, Catholic social teaching, inter-religious dialogue, violence and peace-making, ethics and the good life.

Please go to this link to see the course outline and a provisional schedule of dates and topics. There may be some changes to the topics, but the schedule of dates allows you to plan ahead.
If you have any questions about the course, please contact admin@sophiatheological.org.